Who I Am:
Sam I am, but my mom called me Samie so I use it. I enjoy spending time with my family of three girls and my husband in my dream home in the country. We have eight chickens, two rooster, loads of cats (I don’t count anymore) and two dogs. Oh and two goats and growing!

I have been very blessed to be able to do the things I love and this company is one of them. Wither I’m scrapbooking digitally or taking photos of my kids at the county fair I’m enjoying every moment of this life. That’s how I feel about every project I work on.
How I Work:
It’s like this, I talk to my customers and find out what they are looking for. How they will use the product I am providing and the final use of that product. This way I get a feel of what they really need before I start. Sometimes I have to work backwards to get to the start of any good project. I like working hands on so I take charge of anything that needs done. If you need photos taken, I can do that. If you need a logo made for a new business, I can do that. If you want to learn how to scrapbook, I can teach you! Oh, off subject, sorry. I do enjoy having a good time and I laugh a lot! Life is to short even if you live to be 100.